“Vestibule” as a pattern of the visual environment: Urban practices’ scenarios
DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2024-3-9-36
The article considers one of the basic load-bearing elements of the urban texture – the space in front of the entrance to the most significant urban buildings. The analysis of the types and functions of such patterns, their connections with other basic elements of the urban topic, their influence on the configuration of urban practices is the most important resource for the growth of knowledge in the field of visual semiotics of the city. The current stage of development of urban studies requires an increasingly focused shift of attention from the urban planning and aesthetic aspects of a particular pattern (already sufficiently studied) to its pragmatics. This refocusing of epistemic optics allows us to see and analyze the elements of the urban environment not as physical constants, but as dynamic local scenarios, which is most consistent with the understanding of the city as a complex cultural and communicative phenomenon. To identify and develop these issues, the article simultaneously applies two methodological approaches to the study of the urban environment: visual-semiotic and anthropological. The work shows that any building (ensemble) that is significant in sociocultural terms, be it a theater, university, administration, station or cathedral, occupies a certain place on the urban stage and plays its specific role in the aesthetic and pragmatic configuration of the urban environment, acting not only as an object aesthetic contemplation, but also as a mediated actor (motivator) of emotional and behavioral scenarios offered to citizens and guests of the city. In the construction of these patterns, the rules of relationship between architectural facades and the surrounding open space play an important role. Properly located and structured “vestibules” present a city building in its significance, orient people’s attention and action, and contribute to the integration of a person into the city’s psychological environment. Ignoring the pragmatic-anthropological aspects of the formation of entrance spaces leads to the destruction of the visual frame of the city and becomes the basis for the existential discomfort of its inhabitants and visitors.
Keywords: urban visual environment, pattern, entrance area, theater, university, pragmatics, scenario, urban space
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 36
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