Image of an initiative teacher
DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2024-3-91-116
The formation of a holistic (internal and external) image of a teacher must be created and developed in future teachers even at the stage of their university education; it is a prerequisite, a condition for the creation and development of their own “teacher self”. The image of a teacher is not just an image that gradually emerges in the student’s mind from the beginning of receiving pedagogical education, but deep subjective connections that are gradually and consistently transformed into values, thoughts and actions. Their complex is manifested in the teacher’s appearance, style of thinking and activities, where the regulator is the visualized “teacher self”. The limitations of full-scale studies of the image of an initiative teacher are obvious, which is due to the lack of a universal definition and unified understanding of the essence of a teacher’s professional initiative. The aim of this article is to study deep and superficial interpretations of the image based on a comprehensive analysis of philosophical and pedagogical sources focusing on theoretical justifications of iconic models, characteristics of the concepts “image”, “ideal” in relation to educational activities, to the teacher and generalization of the collective image of a proactive teacher through the eyes of teachers themselves (experienced and future). Research objectives are: clarification of the concept “image” and related concepts; systematization and generalization of ideas about a contemporary proactive teacher; specification of examples of manifestation of initiatives in educational and extracurricular professional pedagogical activities; identification of the ideas of future teachers and experienced teachers about the image of an initiative teacher; determination of the positive characteristics of such a teacher, the connection between professional pedagogical initiative and the quality of teaching and education, the specifics of the perception of such a teacher by students of a pedagogical university. The value of the conducted research lies in expanding theoretical knowledge, ideas about the image of a teacher in the minds of students (future teachers) and its detailed characteristics, in capturing young teachers’ vision of the essence of a teacher’s professional initiative. Research methods include analysis and synthesis, specification, generalization, grouping, oral surveying of experienced teachers and surveying of future teachers (students of a pedagogical university). An image is often associated with stereotypical associations, including in the educational environment, since stereotypes are a schematic image of an object, stable and emotionally charged. An oral survey of experienced teachers and teachers of a pedagogical university (Tomsk, 96 people) revealed a number of positive characteristics of the image of an initiatice teacher: constant development, concern, activity, passion, uniqueness, etc. Surveying of future teachers (students of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 104 people) showed that an initiative teacher, as a rule, does not have clear gender and age boundaries, although it is more likely to be a young woman. Such teachers are competent, smart, highly qualified, and have a sense of humor. Their external beauty, passion and activity visible to everyone are not so important. The school administration respects and supports them, yet can “use” them for one purpose or another. Every fourth student has the opinion that in a team an initiative teacher may be disliked by his colleagues, but, on the contrary, respected and supported by students. There is a relationship between a teacher’s initiative and their ability to teach well (almost 70% of the respondents think so), to be a good class teacher, mentor (this was indicated by almost 80%). The examples given by students of the manifestation of initiatives by teachers in educational and extracurricular teaching activities indicate that they often replace initiative with activity. Thus, many activities designated as initiative are not such and are considered traditional and widespread. The results of the study can be used to correct the content of pedagogical disciplines and pedagogical practices in the professional training of teachers, and to develop career guidance activities.
Keywords: image, teacher, proactive teacher, ideal of teacher, perception of teacher, idea of teacher, idea of teacher’s initiative
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Issue: 3, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 91 — 116
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