The symbolic space of the Japanese garden: Ideological foundations
DOI: 10.23951/2312-7899-2024-2-79-102
The article considers the conditionality of the Japanese landscape garden’s space of signs and symbols by historical and religious-philosophical factors. The chronological framework of the study covers the Heian epoch (794-1185). Its significance in the development of Japanese landscape architecture and, in particular, garden art is connected with the emergence of a new refined aesthetics, which became the theoretical basis for the formation of the “feminine” style in Japanese culture. The rise of the aristocracy in this period gave impetus to a new style of life: palace-park and temple architectural complexes were built, part of which was a Japanese garden. In this regard, a special type of Japanese garden – landscape pleasure garden – was formed, as well as the canon of landscape architecture, reflecting the spatial and symbolic representations of the Japanese and the methods of their reproduction in the garden space. The uniqueness of the worldview foundations of the sign-symbolic space of the Japanese garden of the Heian era is expressed in the synthesis of several religious and philosophical teachings coexisting in Japan: Shintoism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, and a number of religious schools that emerged as a result of the interpretation of Buddhism and its combination with Shintoism. Their symbiosis formed a special worldview, which was explicated in the culture of Japan. Japanese garden in any style is an embodiment of the model of vision of the universe through the prism of a certain philosophical and aesthetic system. Religious and philosophical foundations of the Japanese society determined the content of the symbolic-symbolic space of the garden and the choice of appropriate architectural and design techniques of its construction. The methodological basis for the semiotic analysis of the Japanese garden is the typology of spatial codes, including object-functional, architectonic, and social-symbolic codes. The significance and specificity of the application of each code in the process of constructing a landscape Japanese garden with its inherent sign-symbolic space are considered. The basic architectural and design methods of realization of spatial codes, the purpose of which is to embody the concept of the universe in the format of a Japanese garden, are revealed. The architectonic code structures the garden space, as a result of which its compositional solution corresponding to the garden concept is designed. Technically, this goal is achieved through the use of a number of architectural and design techniques. The most significant of them are the technique of suggestive metaphor, the technique of textural modulation, the technique of asymmetry, as well as planning techniques based on the theory of contrasts. Hinting metaphor is used in the coding of separate objects of the garden, for example, stones. The essence of the texture modulation technique is the alternation of the material of the paths, which is felt both tactilely and visually, which in general symbolizes the passage of different stages of human comprehension of the truth of existence in the unity of space and time. The reception of asymmetry allows visualizing the changeability of the world, its permanent movement. Justification and disclosure of the mechanism of spatial codes application allows positioning the Japanese garden as a communicative space, the sign-symbolic content of which is conditioned by the socio-cultural factor and depends on the aesthetic paradigm of the era underlying the architectural and garden art.
Keywords: space of signs and symbols, Japanese garden, Heian era, landscape architecture of Japan, semiotic analysis of Japanese garden
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Issue: 2, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 79 — 102
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